What’s New: October

what's new

Hello Again!  Yes, I know, it’s been a long time.  This summer has been ridiculously busy; and I just never got around to writing up any posts.  Sorry about that.

So, picking up where I left off 6 months ago-

Nana Weber went through her whole course of treatment and as of the end of August had been officially in Remission!  Praise the Lord!

A little over a week after my last post we brought home 12 Baby Chicks- 3 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 3 Speckled Sussex, and 3 Light Brahmas!  They’ve grown like weeds, amused us with their antics, stressed us with their learning curve, and are now feeding us with their eggs!  (Well, half of them are- the other 6 haven’t started to earn their keep quite yet.)

The planned Mother’s Day project fell through, unfortunately.  The Baby Tomato Plants did quite well- especially considering the fact that they got scorched and had to re-grow out all their leaves after I forgot to water them the first really hot weekend we had, AND I didn’t get them planted in the ground until the middle of July!  We ended up haveing to pull a bunch of green tomatoes in last week before frost, so they are currently ripening in paper bags-  I want to turn them into sauce, but we shall see.

In July we finally got to go down to the Ark Encounter, which was awesome!  I think I like the Creation Museum a bit better- but I also think that all the great memories we’ve made over the years there is part of why I feel that way!  Pictures do not do the Ark justice- if you can, go see it!!

At the very end of July/ beginning of August we started following the Trim Healthy Mama Plan- which has been surprisingly do-able!  We get off-plan “treats” every so often, but even with not following it “perfectly” every member of our family has lost weight!  I started losing slowly before THM, but all told I’m down 37 lbs. since my last post!  I’ve learned how to make some very quick and easy “on plan” meals and treats that I look forward to sharing with y’all!  The only downside I’ve discovered is that my system does not handle Sugar Alcohols very well, so I have to be careful to only use them occasionally.  That means that a lot of times I modify recipes to be sweetened only with Stevia or Coconut Sugar.  So if you wonder why any future THM recipes I post won’t be featuring the more popular “on plan” sweeteners- that is why!

This fall, I’ve embarked on a few new projects with my Mom:

  1. Becoming a Family Herbalist through Vintage Remedies.
  2. Doing a monthly Quilt Block and Class from a local shop.
  3. Doing the THM “Workins” every week.
  4. Selling used good books on Ebay.

I also am hoping to add some things to my Etsy shop before Christmas, and I’ve also gone into the antique business on Ebay or Etsy (haven’t quite decided yet) with my Grandpa Cadle!

So, after a very long summer, I’m back and I hope to be more regular in posting things on here- things to encourage both you and I!

Soli Deo Gloria,

Tiffany C.

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